Monday, September 30, 2019

Particular synonyms Essay

You will choose synonyms to replace the bold word in the sentences provided below. You will then write an explanation to explain why you chose these particular synonyms. Example: However, in a year that saw the social networking juggernaut Facebook turn a profit for only the first time, it was not clear whether Twitter could achieve financial independence from its venture capital investors. Synonym = powerhouse Explanation: I chose the word powerhouse, because the original word, â€Å"juggernaut† indicates that that Facebook forcefully took over the social networking industry. I wanted to use a word to indicate powerful success. Synonyms 1. Having demonstrated its versatility as a high-tech newswire, Twitter drew the attention of those who would prefer to see certain information suppressed. I would choose the word skillfulness, because versatility means you are skilled to do many things at once and are good at it. 2. Millions of users attempted to log into Twitter only to be greeted by the service’s iconic â€Å"fail whale,† the image of a cartoon whale being hoisted into the air by a flock of birds, signaling a site outage. Ideal; because it is an image from the service. When you are not a member. 3. Following the earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010, Twitter reaffirmed its role as a powerful tool for the dissemination of information. I chose the word spread, because dissemination means to spread widely. Stating that Twitter is a powerful choice of media to spread information around the world. 4. Additionally, it became an effective fund-raising platform, when the Red Cross launched a mobile giving campaign that surpassed all expectations. Outcome; because they are talking about how the fundraiser was effective. Meaning an outcome. 5. High-profile users tweeted about the drive to help victims of the earthquake, and many of their followers tweeted and re-tweeted the message, helping the Red Cross raise more than $8 million through text messaging within 48 hours of the quake. Fundraiser; because they are talking about a way to help victims of the earthquake.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Literature that Wouldn’t Die Essay

My old-maid aunt loaned me the first book when I was eight. Of course, I didn’t think of her as my old maid aunt then. She was just my aunt, who was way older than my mom and drove a cool car and lived at home with my grandparents. She had the best records and still played them—vinyl records. But it was the books that made me seek her out. She had every Hardy Boys book ever written. As soon as I proved I could read the first one, then I got to read a new one every time we visited and we visited at least once a week. I can’t say that I really understood them in second-grade, and I surely didn’t know what a mansion was, but I figured out that it was a big, old house and went from there. By my next birthday, the books were officially mine. All of them, hardcover, many original printings, were given to me because my aunt believes that children should read. That was the first one I actually remember, but my mother said it dates backs further; every holiday or birthday my aunt sent books. Through her I met Flicka and Big Red and Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, but the love affair was with the detective novels, started by those Hardy Boys novels. As a teenager, I moved on to James Patterson. Then, it was â€Å"The Maltese Falcon† and Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot. For a long time, I was alone in my fascination with a good â€Å"Who dun it? †, but as time progressed, I found that society is obsessed with figuring out the crime, finding the bad guy. My weirdness was that I was reading them instead of watching them on television. And, the modern whodunit is not merely a tale of murder and intrigue; it was a modified look at the forensic clues and figuring it out before the people on the television due. Take for example, the third week in November, 2007. According to Nielsen Media Research six of the top 20 shows on broadcast television were detective shows, four of them directly related to the use of forensic evidence to solve a crime (Nielsen, 2007). Americans are obsessed with the crime drama, the modern variant of the detective novel that my aunt introduced me to. In short order, I can name a dozen of these shows, all virtually identical to those bright blue books I read as a boy. As I got older, it became clear that America has a fascination with the whodunit novel, or television series, as the case may be. From the Hardy Boys to â€Å"Colombo†, Americans are fascinated with the detective story. Like many kids my age, I grew up thinking it might be fun to be a hard-nosed detective. The books in my life gave way to television and the books in general became television shows or movies and gaining a life the author never foresaw as he wrote the opening scene of death or mayhem. In fact, in 2007 the novel once again became the television series as James Patterson’s Women’s Murder Club became Angie Harmon’s new show. The novel series, which began with â€Å"First to Die†, is about a San Francisco homicide detective and one of my recent favorite reads. Harmon, who once starred in one of the Law & Order franchise crime dramas, stars as the lead detective. This movement of book to television and the continuation of the detective novel is remarkable, but not unique to the modern age. Of course, this wasn’t the first of Patterson’s to go main stream. Years ago, other young men and I were impressed with Detective Alex Cross as brought to life by Morgan Freeman in â€Å"Kiss the Girls† and â€Å"Along Came A Spider†. In his 1970 essay, â€Å"Murder and Manners: The Formal Detective Novel†, George Grella puts it this way,†The formal detective novel, the so-called ‘pure puzzle’ or ‘whodunit’, is the most firmly established and easily recognized version of the thriller† (30). And, he says, we are fascinated by the genre. It has become an icon onto itself and holds its own against other genres of literature quite well through the years. Dating back to Edgar Allen Poe, the detective novel has been through changes, but it is still basically the same, a comfort to most people. â€Å"And almost since its inception, critics have been denouncing the rise, and announcing the demise, of the whodunit. † (30). But while they were uniformly criticized by those â€Å"in the know†, the detective novel built up a strong following in modern American society, cleverly disguised as the crime drama on television and in the movies. The simple fact of the matter is that it is not supposed to be great fiction, but sometimes, it is. It is supposed to let people feel like they figured something out, outsmarted the author by figuring out the answer before the end of the book. The author has to give the reader all the information and though they can tease a bit, directly tricking the reader is completely unfair (Grella 31). Misdirection is fine; lying is not. But the reality is that most readers are not equipped with the obscure knowledge that the detective use to solve the crimes and so the love of the mystery might be based more on a fascination not unlike our fascination with magicians. We want to see if we can figure it out and then revel in the fact that the really good ones were able to keep us from figuring it out. And, Grella points out, it is formulaic. Good or bad, the formal detective novel is predictable. It is one of the curiosities of literature that an endlessly reduplicated form, employing sterile formulas, stock characters, and innumerable cliches of method and construction, should prosper in the two decades between the World Wars and continue to amuse even in present day. More curious still, this unoriginal and predictable kind of entertainment appealed to a wide and varied audience, attracting not only the usual public for popular fiction, but also a number of educated readers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (32) The modern television whodunit has followed the same basic formula, but with the twists and turns of modern forensics thrown in for good measure. Instead of an obvious clue like a matchbook or lipstick smeared on a tea cup, the modern story has DNA and fingerprints but the story remains basically the same: Bad guy kills (maims, mutilates, rapes, etc. ) someone and the detectives strive to gather the evidence and figure it out before the reader, or in the case of television, the viewer, figures it out. Forty-five minutes into the show, whether we are ready and have solved it or not, comes the great reveal, the modern equivalent of the meeting in the study to show how it was done, by whom and why. This is the world that my aunt unwittingly introduced me to and I am not alone. In the modern era this has translated to the crime drama on television. Shows including any of the CSI variants, any of the Law & Order shows, â€Å"Cold Case Files†, â€Å"Without a Trace† and several others follow this tried and true recipe. The newest of these, Spike TV’s â€Å"Murder† takes the concept to a whole new level—real people, solving recreations of real crimes, all neatly wrapped up in an hour long show. And, â€Å"Murder† even follows the rules that Grella identifies for formal detective fiction (31). It shows all the clues that reader/viewer needs to solve the crime and challenges them to do it before the contestants do â€Å"With â€Å"every pertinent detail† being recreated, the groups will assess the crime scene, collect evidence and even meet with an actual coroner who reviews the findings of the original autopsy. † (Rocchio 2007) The show combines America’s current love of reality television with the tried and true formula of the detective novel. â€Å"For the viewer, Murder fuses the authenticity of a real-life crime scene with the suspense of trying to solve the murder before the contestants on the show,† Bunim-Murray co-founder Jon Murray stated. â€Å"We are excited to be working with Spike TV on such a cutting-edge series and hope the audience will take away a sense of how strategic and meticulous crime detectives must be on a daily basis. † The show even features its own version of the great reveal. After 45 minutes of show time, the contestants are required to set forth their version of the crime to the real-life detective who hosts the show. Then, helike a good author, points out the flaws in their logic and evidence collection and gives a narrative about what really happened. This movement toward more realism in the detective novel has taken it away from its farcical leanings (Grella 35), but continues to lead it in the tradition of the formal detective novel. Writers must put all the clues together, visually at the very least, in the 53 minutes or so of an hour long television show without making it obvious to everyone whodunit. The element of besting the writer has again become the goal. Grella had argued that this theory of outsmarting the writer might not be the actual explanation for society’s fascination with detective novels, pointing out that detectives in the novels have access to obscure knowledge the reader would not have making it virtually impossible to figure out the end without an intuitive leap (33). His conclusion was that the puzzle aspect of the novel is not in fact the motivation of viewers/readers to seek out detective novels. However, what he failed to take into consideration was that viewers/readers need an excuse to be wrong. When the villain is revealed at the end of the show or in the huge scene at the end of the novel, the reader needs an excuse to be wrong. Sure, we want to be right, but if we aren’t, we need it to be because we didn’t know the flight speed of an African swallow or some equally relevant but obscure piece of trivia. Perhaps it is because of a sense of pride in the viewer, but we need an excuse to be wrong. That way, the reader still wins. The guess about the guilty party being wrong doesn’t mean that we were outsmarted by the writer, but rather than the novelist came up with a piece of information that we did not know. And, with as much of society as is interested in random trivia, finding that obscure piece of information that the average reader will not know becomes more difficult. It is any many ways the gauntlet those readers thrown down before their favorite authors: â€Å"Fool me if you can. † The most modern of the new detective stories fool us with science, proving to us that even what our eyes see can be wrong. Authors like Patricia Cromwell and Kathy Reichs show us that the things we see may not be all there is to be seen (Palmer 2001). The reality is that the puzzle is still the name of the game and so television shows must now explain the rules of the game as they go, showing the fingerprints of the DNA evidence and finding new ways to throw in the twist. Again, in the words of Sherlock Holmes, the game is afoot, and writers are challenged to find new ways to twist the evidence and manipulate the science to keep our interest. Grella and others have complained that the detective novel is formulaic and bordering on boring, but the reality is that we like them because they are so challenging to the writer. A poorly written detective novel will bore us all to tears. We will see the buffoon of a police officer and the unsuspecting detective and even the misdirection a mile away. But a well done novel which takes what we know, what we have seen with our own eyes and forces us to see that it might not be the case is a masterful work of art. And, that is what we are looking for. We have leveled the playing field with a formulaic story and are expecting to be blow away by the puzzle. WORKS CITED: Grella, George. â€Å"Murder and Manners: The Formal Detective Novel† NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Autumn, 1970), pp. 30-48. < Stable URL: http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=0029-5132%28197023%294%3A1%3C30%3AMAMTFD%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-H>, November 30, 2007. Nielsen Media Research, November 30, 2007. Palmer, Joy. â€Å"Tracing Bodies: Gender, Genre, and Forensic Detective Fiction† South Central Review, Vol. 18, No. 3/4, Whose Body: Recognizing Feminist Mystery and Detective Fiction. (Autumn – Winter, 2001), pp. 54-71. , November 30, 2007. Rocchio, Christopher. â€Å"Spike TV Announces new ‘CSI’-like ‘Murder’ Reality Series† Feb. 21, 0027. November 30, 2007. Wing, George. ‘Edwin Drood and Desperate Remedies: Prototypes of Detective Fiction in 1870† Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, Vol. 13, No. 4, Nineteenth Century. (Autumn, 1973), pp. 677-687. , November 30, 2007.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Kindergarten-Full Day Versus Half Day Essay

The sky is the limit for children. The benefits of children attending full day kindergarten are far greater than those children that attend half day. Some parents and educators disagree; they say that children should not be forced into their educational career so young. Whether for or against full-day kindergarten, the common goal for all parents is the well being for each individual child. Every child has different needs and capabilities. Parents have to make an informed decision on full day or half day kindergarten. That decision can be a difficult one. Ultimately that decision is the starting point for the next twelve or more years of education for these young children. Connecticut does not have a law mandating all towns have full day kindergarten. The budget process has to make full day kindergarten a priority. The curriculum for kindergarten is limited during half day sessions for children. Because of the time limitations during half day, these children are getting significant amounts of homework to bring home. Before and aftercare is needed due to the short school day for the half day kindergartners, causing parents to pay for childcare. The most important point is that children’s cognitive learning is so crucial at age five. They can absorb so much information at a kindergarten level. Taking advantage of that will give them the best opportunities for the educational career and give them a head start. Kindergarten was originated in 1837 (Burkam 3). Children develop their mental, social, and emotional faculties through play, music, movement, interaction with the outdoors, and opportunities to engage in independent and creative pursuits (Burkam 3). The goal of kindergarten is to prepare children for first grade academics (Burkam 5). Children show great resilience so can therefore adapt to any formal routine, especially education. We must constructively use this critical stage in their lives to have them absorb all the information they can. Most towns in eastern Connecticut have full day kindergarten except Montville. There is no set standard in Connecticut law for all towns to have at least one full-day kindergarten. East Lyme, Niantic, Norwich, Waterford, Ledyard, and Groton have already established a full day program for kindergarten. Montville being the only town in the surrounding area that does not have a full day option available makes it very difficult to those parents in that town to make arrangements for care of their children. Planning a town budget for full day kindergarten is not as complicated as it may seem. Child care is financed primarily by families, who are estimated to be paying between $40 and $50 billion annually (Mitchell 8). Only a small percentage of those funds being spent could be used for funding all schools with full day kindergarten programs. Demonstrating better ways to increase and combine local, state, public and private sources to finance all types of programs so that they can meet higher standards and that all families can afford kindergarten and preschool education (Mitchell 12). Some educators say the biggest obstacle is hiring teachers. They would need twice the amount already staffed. Splitting up the groups of half day classes and teachers could be a solution to that issue. There would not need to be any additional teachers hired in that case. There is so much for children to learn at the age of five. A full day of learning, social interaction, and play is so beneficial. Research comparing half-day and full-day kindergarten shows those children benefit from a developmentally appropriate, full-day program, most notably in terms of early academic achievement—a foundation for school and life success (Villegas 1). Full-day kindergarten can afford children the academic learning time needed to prepare for mastery of primary-grade reading and math skills (Villegas 1) In particular, the weight of evidence shows that full-day kindergarten benefits children in these ways: contributes to increased school readiness, children that are adapted to full day kindergarten are already prepared for the transition into regular grade level schooling, most importantly, they understand rules and behavior, which leads to a higher academic achievement. Standardized tests and classroom grades find that full day students achieve higher and improve student attendance. There is better attendance in full-day kindergarten due to the parents understanding that there is so much more information and teaching provided during a longer day and does not want their child to miss, supporting a childs literacy and language development has long lasting effects that are greater in children that attend full day kindergarten (Villegas 2). One study showed higher reading achievement persisting through third grade and in some cases even seventh grade (Villegas 1). Enrolling a child in full-day kindergarten benefits them socially and emotionally. Full day gives children a balance of structured play and self play. Being with classmates for more hours in a classroom forces them to build positive relationships. Those relationships last sometimes all the way through twelfth grade. Decreases costs by reducing retention and remediation rates (Villegas 1, 2). One study, which found full day students to be more than twice as likely to remain on grade through third grade, showed that this academic benefit helped to offset 19 percent of the first year’s cost of extending the kindergarten day (Villegas 2). For those children in half-day kindergarten, they need to have before and after care in some families, especially when both parents work full time. If there were full day kindergarten, it would eliminate some of that cost of after care. Due to these children needing to go to multiple places throughout the day for care and schooling becomes the issue of transportation. During a parents work day, that child could be bused to as much as three different locations just for child care. Parents prefer longer kindergarten programs because children have to make fewer transitions within a day and they believe their children will be better prepared for first grade (Mitchell 5). Day care programs are valuable, but do not have the curriculum and equal age structure that kindergarten does. Proponents of full-day kindergarten believe that children, as a result of their various childcare and preschool experiences, are ready for more demanding and cognitively oriented educational programs (Burkam 6). Having group play with children ages 0-5 is not beneficial educationally. Children at age five are at an important learning stage in their lives. The more education they can receive in kindergarten the better prepared for school they will be. Full-day advocates suggest several advantages for the longer kindergarten day: it allows teachers more opportunity to assess children’s educational needs and individualize instruction, it makes small-group learning experiences more feasible, it engages children in a broader range of learning experiences, it provides opportunities for in-depth exploration of curriculum, it provides opportunities for closer teacher-parent relationships, it benefits working parents who may need a longer school day (Burkam 6). Reading, math, science are subjects that are the beginning fundamentals in learning Researchers found that children who attended full-day kindergarten scored higher on reading comprehension and mathematics concepts and applications (Burkam 9). Having more hours in a school day allows teachers to take a more one on one approach for the children to really delve deep into counting, the alphabet, writing, speaking, and so forth. The foundation of learning stems from kindergarten. Cognitive development is the most important issue with having children in a full-day kindergarten program. Kindergarten is more than play and social interaction with peers, this time must be used to take full advantage of a child’s potential in learning. Education should be the first priority and focus in a child’s life. The bigger picture is laying the groundwork for children’s educational experience. The younger the child the more prepared they will be for the future and the most successful in life.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Shipping Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shipping Industry - Assignment Example Else the industry will have to employ officers who are not suited to the post [Maritime Law, 2007; Panigrahi Bhagaban and Calcich Stephen, 2003] Since it has been ascertained that there are many internal and external factors that have contributed to the shortfall in the availability of talented marine officers, some suggestions are hereby provided that could enhance the availability of quality marine officers when their need arises. 1. Develop the capabilities of existing ageing workforce to more supervisory jobs and upgrade their management skills in line with the set standards by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Highly skilled personnel can be utilized as consultants, trainers, and other consultancy related services. This can be carried out by assessing their field of specialisations, then evaluate capability gaps, and design trainings for this purpose. This process is done to ensure maximisation on the use of the ageing manpower and to reduce the risk of accidents and disaster caused by human errors. 3. Create reserve manpower among the existing workforce ready to replace the ageing workers once they graduate or qualify into the support force. Through the IMO, or a consortium of shipping companies, training and skills upgrading of reserve marine officers shall be developed and instituted. Since the requirements of the shipping industry is not localised, an international consortium that would be created, would recruit talented officers from many countries. The consortium will have various functions such as screening, recruitment and training of officers based on need. Since the consortium is need-based, recruited candidates may be assured of jobs when they are recruited. 4. The company can create a database of the existing and reserve officers which can be used to determine available manpower when requirement for officers arise. This will also help the company to identify replacement when officers retire. On Objective 2 enhancing the industry image To reverse the notion of the labour force on the safeness and the high technical capability requirement of the maritime jobs the following are recommended: 1. It is a general notion that marine jobs are tough and most people consider it only as a last option. Hence, it is high time that the job is promoted as one that has glamour and perks. In order to do so, shipping companies have to develop ads and campaign through the media

Thursday, September 26, 2019

CIPD, People Management & Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

CIPD, People Management & Development - Essay Example The autocrat approaches of managers gave way to democratic approaches. More and more scientific methods implemented in the employee organization relationships. Modern century witness changes in every aspect of human life. Fast developing technologies and new thoughts developed after cold war changed the complexion of human life. Scientific methods are applied everywhere and the business arena also not an exception. Rapid changes in business strategies is taking place in order to explore the possibilities of new liberal world as well as due to the competition in the market. The Human Resources departments are also no exception. Out of the 4 M’s of an organization, Man, Material, Machine and Money, I think Man or the human resources are the most important entity. Competitive employees will always be an asset to organizations. Even if the other resources of the company are less, still only the smart employees can utilize it to ensure maximum productivity. If the employees are not competent enough then they will always complain about the resources which are not available rather than utilizing the existing ones. I have seen some examples in our company itself, in which some smart workers utilizing the available resources to ensure optimum production. Though our company is engaged in construction activities, as you know we don’t have enough resources and modern equipments to explore the available construction market, positively. Our equipments need to be modernized based on the requirements in order to compete in the market with quantity and quality. One of our regular clients has approached me with a job few months before. As soon I seen the specifications, I concluded that this job is not possible by us and at the same time I was not willing to disappoint the customer as he was a regular one giving us around 10% of our annual volume of works. I have discussed this project with our expert people and enquired about the possibilities of

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 75

Discussion - Assignment Example . This poem clearly brings out the theme of courage well. Unlike his peers who strive to impress the visiting audience, Michael chooses to do what he perceives right in his eyes even though he knows the backlash he would receive from the society. Since beginning of time, those who act contrary to the norms of the society are the ones who make a difference on earth. Like a child, he is at peace with what he does and loves. Like a rose has both the male and female parts, he blends both masculinity and feminism. Cultural conflict is the dominant theme in this poem. Different races and cultures are always in conflict with each other and in a bid to advance their ideologies or to prove their superiority over others; most conflicts end up in bloodsheds. In Casual Wear, a tourist woman falls victim to a vicious attack by the terrorist. While the odds are one to nine that she will be at the place of the attack, she ironically ends up there and is killed. The tourist may have come from a nation that was in conflict with the terrorist’s country. She wears extravagantly in a country that fashion is not taken seriously. Just like her clothes did not matter to the terrorist, so was her life. The main cause of terrorism is cultural differences. Using force or violence to counter terrorism will only result to more violence. The best method to stop terrorism would be to accept other people’s cultural, ideological and religious beliefs. Stereotyping people will only lead to more resentment. For example, Muslims are portrayed as terrorists in most Hollywood films. This should be banned. Ballad of Birmingham is based on a real life bombing of an African-American church in 1963. The poem begins with a girl begging her mother to go to a freedom march, but her mother refuses. She however allows her to go to church where she believes is secure. Unfortunately, the church is attacked by arsons and the little girl dies. The message that is clear is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

WHEN sTORIES sHAPE lIVES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WHEN sTORIES sHAPE lIVES - Essay Example d when she met Carson Gueye, the first time her mother allowed her to go the market alone, and love blossomed since then, though they knew it was doomed love. Carson was a market worker. He did anything he could for people inside it, like carrying boxes and cleaning stalls. He was an orphan, but an old man, Chan Mo-wan, took him in. In the market, the noise and nauseating odors of men and butchered animals that Shiniang used to hate were gone. Instead, she saw human life and freedom. More than that, she saw Carson. He was sixteen, but already he hovered over others with his 5’11 height and large frame. Shiniang blushed, for he caught her staring at him. Shiniang ran, or rather, stumbled away, nearly falling on women on the floor selling dried fish. She dared look back, and Carson was still there, with a smile on his dark brown eyes. Shiniang was about to go home, hardly able to carry what she bought, when Carson helped her. Their arms brushed and their eyes met. What they saw inside each other’s eyes married their souls. Afterwards, Shiniang and Carson found ways to be together. Young love was not assuring, however. Shiniang once confided to Carson that her cousin, Li-Wang, committed suicide to avoid arranged marriage. It was not new news for many young women killed themselves to oppose arranged marriages (Man 123). Carson asked Shiniang to never do the same thing. Shiniang shook her head: â€Å"I’d rather die than marry a stranger.† Carson kissed Shiniang for the first time on the lips. Their love was doomed, but loyal nonetheless. Shiniang raked her mind, trying to find a solution to her problem, until one story gave her a fitting solution. Uncle Chow Li-Bao was angry when he came to their house years ago. His daughter, Hsien-Hsien, was supposed to be married to a rich trader, when her lover kidnapped her. Marriage by kidnapping was looked down in their community, but it was effective (Zhongyi 58). Risking her own life, Shiniang escaped and found Carson.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

E-commerce Strategy for Sport goods retailer Essay

E-commerce Strategy for Sport goods retailer - Essay Example Moreover, the plea and implementation of online shopping have been hampered by substandard Internet retail site design and purposes. While, historical patterns have not had adequate time to build up to forecast consumer shopping behavior (Asch, 2001). As Internet retail sales persist to enhance at a slower rate than expected, business practitioners and Internet practitioners alike are looking for the product kind that consumers will purchase from the Internet (Aspinwall, 2001). The preferences of customers for shopping on the Internet may be based on the product type, which will in turn affected the need to acquire the information of product easily and at reasonable price. Moreover, the motivations of the consumers' to purchase on the Internet may differ based on the features that Internet retailers provide online shopping such as website quality, product quality, service quality and product information. With respect to Internet business, the influence of website quality on purchase intentions and loyalty is based on a specific type of product. Describing the product classifications have a important impact on clients' choices for purchasing on the Internet, and the value they designate to the Internet retailers' characteristics. Even though it is always viewed as the kind of product b... These products will be available globally as the consumers may order online. The name of the website is Sports Unlimited. The buying decisions of the consumers are based on the products' descriptions like the image of the brand, dependability, accessibility and style of the company's service (Bakos, 1007). For example, the status and representation of an e-tailer may be presented in the product quality or representation of their brand. Sports Unlimited should recognize that buyers have different product type therefore Sports Unlimited should categorize its products through shopping goods and convenience. The price of the products can be secondary. Marketing Strategy Target Market Sports Unlimited is challenge of creating their target consumers based to their efforts to market their website (Bellenger and Korgaonkar, 1980). Since Sports Unlimited fully understands the responses of their consumers, this gives them a great advantage. As such, this online sports shop target market are the ones who spends a lot of time surfing the internet and does a lot of sports activities or they can be just simple sports fan like the NBA. The Four Ps of Marketing Product. The management of Sports Unlimited has initiated their product development approaches by marketing their present sports goods in a new market. Delivering these sports products globally and thereby grabbing some advance opportunities of expanding market penetration and market contribution (Bloch and Richins, 1983). By having their own website, Sports Unlimited had updated their models as sports good shop to offer the consumers what they need and what they desire, enhancing the sports shop's own-brand sports product which could be strategically

Monday, September 23, 2019

Succession Planning in Middle Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Succession Planning in Middle Managment - Essay Example Effective succession planning should be integral to the organization's culture, and the process should cultivate "predictability" rather than "chaos" or last minute scrambling to find potential leadership candidates (Succession Planning for Nursing Leadership, 2006). Succession planning considers moving through different levels of leadership, such as local chapters to provincial or territorial to national organizations. Stated simply, business succession planning is the process of protecting the owners of a business by planning for the incapacity or death of an owner. The succession plan should address (i) the identity of the successor manager(s) of the business, (ii) the identity of the successor owner(s) of the business (perhaps most importantly, by identifying permissible successor owners, we identify those who cannot be successor owner(s) - creditors and other outsiders), and (iii) treatment of the interest of a departing owner, whether the departure is due to retirement, disability or death. The advantage of putting a plan in place to deal with inevitable events is that we limit (or eliminate) the unknown and can reach mutual consensus before a potential crisis. Succession planning aims to attract high potential people (rising stars) to develop as leaders, enhance other's leadership skills through formal and informal methods, improve all aspects of others' potential and institutionalize leadership development in your association or organization. Succession planning along with workforce management in general is increasingly regarded as a growing influence in determining the success of an enterprise. If it is undertaken effectively then it can ensure that your organization has capable and trained managers to guide its growth (Succession wizard, 2006). The importance of succession planning is in the move to flatter management structures. Succession planning is insurance for when key people leave an organization. With fewer layers of middle management available to fill these key roles it is important that potential successors are identified early and given appropriate training so that when the time comes for their move to more senior roles disruption is minimized. The important thing is to build a succession plan which is ongoing and durable rather than something which you just look at during the annual planning process. People are the most important asset and good workforce planning will give business a clear performance and competitive advantage. Organizations generally have a wealth of talent already working in different positions and levels throughout their business. This hidden resource needs to be identified and tapped as it is a key factor in effective succession planning. Workforce planning allows to know the skills and resources that are already in these people. Utilizing gap analysis, succession planning can identify those people who, with provision of support and training, can climb management structure and become its future leaders. Common elements of succession planning are balance of succession in the industry and organization,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Person centred planning Essay Example for Free

Person centred planning Essay It is important that a person is always the centre of planning there decisions and wishes for the future and you should always use a person centred approach when dealing with an individual. For example if a doctor was explaining a course of treatment to a certain individual and you could see that the individual did not understand what the doctor was telling them but the carer assumed it would be OK to let the doctor carry on and just explain the the individual later on. Where in fact you should of stopped to ask that individual if the understood and if not then ask the doctor to explain himself in a different way were they may understand more. This then includes the individual and gives them the ability to ask questions and decided what decisions they may want because they would be in the centre of their own care. If you was to wait until the individual was home to explain what the doctor was saying then they may of made the wrong choices in which path they wanted to go in simply because they did not realise what the doctor was saying and could therefore become distressed by this. For example if the individual was to agree to a type of treatment which goes against there values and beliefs but because the carer did not explain what the doctor meant they may not of known what they were agreeing to. where as by getting the doctor the explain in a understanding form for them means that they could find out all the information they need to make decisions and come away happy knowing that they fully understand what they have chosen to do. This is why person centred planning is so important because it means the individual is in charged of what they want and it makes them less distress knowing that they can make their own choices and they are being listened too and they are valued as a person.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISE SUSTAINABILITY MONITORING SYSTEM Introduction This paper describes about a monitoring system that monitors the sustainability of a business. It is very important for all businesses to measure their sustainability periodically from the people, planet and profit perspective to make the business operations more effective. Business monitoring system does the job of doctors where they use the medical monitoring systems to diagnose problems that cause hindrance to the sustainability of patients. The difference is that medical monitoring system monitors the health of patients while business monitoring system monitors the operations of a business activity. Proper monitoring of business can help to reduce risk by making proper decisions at proper time. Every business will have certain obligations to the people associated with it and also towards the nature. The economic aspect is also equally important. The triple bottom line or the three pillars people/social, planet/environmental and profit/economic are briefly discussed in the report. The paper also identifies and discusses the sustainability indicators of the leading energy and petrochemical company, the Royal Dutch Shell. Dimensions People, Planet and profit also called as the triple bottom line captures the essence of sustainability by measuring the impact of an organisations activities on the world. Variation in companys profitability and share holders value and its social, human and environmental capital is reflected by the triple bottom line (Savitz, A.W Weber, K, 2006). There is no universally accepted definition for triple bottom line but a positive triple bottom line indicates that the business operates in an effective manner. The figure shows the dimensions as three spheres of sustainability. People: The social impacts of the company are easier to measure when compared to the economic and environmental. Employee satisfaction, their health and safety, impacts on local community and consumers are the main factors to be monitored to ensure the social sustainability. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) identifies four core social performance indicators. They are: Labour Practices: Employment, Health and Safety, Management relations, Diversity, Training Education. Human Rights: Freedom of association, strategy and management, non-discrimination, collective bargaining. Safety: Community, Bribery corruption, political contributions. Product responsibility: Products services, Customer health safety, Respect for privacy. It is a challenge for all the organisations to be socially accountable even though the customers expect the businesses to be so. Polls conducted on corporate social responsibility found 45% of 25,000 respondents believing that higher ethical standards should be set by the companies and thus help to build a better society. 40% of them even opined to punish the companies which are not socially responsible (Miller, E, 2010). Profit: The economic dimension of sustainability concerns about the impact of the organisation on its stake holders economic circumstances. This dimension focuses on improving the economic status of stake holders rather than the financial status of the company itself. The financial indicators are considered to be the sub set of economic indicators as it focuses primarily on the profitability of the organisation for informing the stake holders and management (Slater, A, 2004). The economic performance indicators identified by the GRI are: Sales, Profit, Return on investment Tax paid Monetary flows Jobs created The economic indicators identified by the GRI divides the stake holders in to five major groups and figure the economic impact on them. The groups and the major factors that indicate their economic status are as follows: Customers: The monetary flow is indicated by the net sales and geographic break down of markets. Suppliers: The monetary flow is indicated by the cost of all goods, materials and services purchased. Employees: Total payroll and benefits that include wages, pension, redundancy payment etc indicates the monetary flow. Providers of capital: Increase or decrease of the retained earnings at the end of the period indicates the monetary flow. Public sector: Total sum of taxes and the factors such as donations to community, civil societies etc are the indicators. Planet: The ecological sustainability focuses more on meeting the needs of present generation without affecting the possibilities of future generation to meet their needs (Inge de Groot, 2001). It is important for all the organisations to give special care for nature by preventing the hazards caused to all living organisms by its activities. Companies should integrate the care for environment in to its business. This dimension considers the impact of companys activity on the environment. The environmental performance indicators considered by the GRI are: Materials: Volume of materials used and the percentage of recycled materials Energy: Direct and indirect energy consumption by the primary energy source, energy saved due to conservation, steps taken to reduce energy requirement by promoting renewable energy based products and also the steps taken to reduce indirect energy consumption. Water: Total water withdrawal and the percentage of volume of water recycled and reused. Biodiversity: Size and location of land owned near the protected areas of high biodiversity, Strategies for managing impacts on biodiversity etc. Emissions, Effluents and waste: Direct and indirect green house gas emissions and the initiatives to reduce it, emissions of ozone depleting substances, total volume of spills. Transport: The environmental impacts of transporting goods and materials used for the organisations operations and transporting the members of workplace. Company Description Royal Dutch Shell is an energy and petrochemical company operating globally which has its headquarter at Hague, The Netherlands. It is currently the global leader in oil and gas industry and also seeks to reinforce its position in order to provide a competitive return to their share holders while helping to meet the global energy demand. The company values honesty, integrity and respect for people, that forms the basis of their general principles. The company was established in the year 1907 by the oil export company named Shell and Royal Dutch, the petroleum company. The company expanded to Europe, Africa and America in the early twentieth century and excelled, as the mass production of cars has opened up a vast market. Many Shell operations closed down during the First World War, but after the Second World War, in the years 1950s and 1960s there was a dramatic increase in its oil output and sales. In 1980s, the company explored solutions for many environmental concerns by installing new technologies and launched new products. In July 2005, the parent companies Royal Dutch and Shell unified to form Royal Dutch Shell. According to the Fortune magazine, Shell has been ranked at second place in the year 2010 among the top 500 companies in the world and first among the oil companies followed by Exxon Mobil and BP, in terms of revenue. Rank Company Revenue($ Million) 1 Wall-Mart 408,214 2 Royal Dutch Shell 285,129 3 Exxon Mobil 284,650 4 BP 246,138 Shell operates in more than 90 countries in the world having around 101,000 employees working with it. It produces almost 3.1 million barrels of gas and oil everyday and has sold 145 billion litres of fuel. It runs more than 35 refineries and chemical plants. As a part of sustainable development, it has spent $2 billion on Carbon dioxide and renewable energy technologies over the last couple of years. $13 billion has been spent with locally owned companies in low and middle income countries in the year 2009. $132 billion has also been spent in the same year on social investment program. Indicators for the company This part of the paper explores the indicators used by the company to measure its performance and thus analyse the sustainability. The key indicators falling under each of the dimensions are listed below. Socio-Cultural: Human Rights: Shell has categorized the human rights into five layers. All the layers are shown below. Source: (The Shell Report, 2001, P.13) The inner layers identify the companys duty towards the staff, security and local communities, whereas the outer layer identifies the duty towards the government and also support the international codes. The company has designed a Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE) to protect its employees from harmful activities. Shell also supports the ILO declaration of principles and rights at work. Shell has played a major role in the development of voluntary principles on security and human rights. The company has come up with a new social management unit which identifies and promotes good practise and operations in communities. The company is also guided by the UN Global Compact, OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises and Global Sullivan principles while investing in foreign countries. Diversity: The company has a systematic approach to manage its diversity. Shell believes that it will earn more respect if it attracts people from various backgrounds and experience. As a result, it will help the company maintain good relationship with others and help in competing in assorted cultures and markets. Security: Security involves the protection of the employees and safeguarding the shareholders investment. The company abides by the law and order which is at par with the international law enforcement standards. Armed security is used when there is any legal issue or when there is no alternative to manage the risk. There is security group that protects the employees, property and information. Health Safety: The company has a systematic approach to manage HSE. The company must follow all the Group HSE Policy and Procedures. Shell uses a parameter called Total Reportable Occupational Illness Frequency which monitors the health performance of all the employees. The year 2009 recorded the lowest mortality and injury rate for Shell. Source: (The Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report, 2009, P.35) ENVIRONMENTAL: Shell is always in search for new ways to reduce its harmful impact on the environment. It has come up with new substances that would cause less harm to the nature. The year 2001 was a disappointing year because it failed to meet the target and could not perform up to the mark. There was also an increase in gas flaring and oil spills which caused more harm to the environment. Climate Change: Climate change is one of the biggest challenges faced by the society today. To overcome this challenge, Shell is taking initiatives in building up an energy system for future that would reduce environmental risks. It has come up with 6 pathways that will reduce carbon-dioxide and help in achieving low-carbon energy for future. The six pathways are: Increase the efficiency of all the operations. Establish a substantial capability in CO2 capture and storage (CCS). Continue to research and develop technologies that increase efficiency and reduce emissions in hydrocarbon production. Develop low-CO2 sources of energy, including natural gas and low-CO2 fuels. Manage energy demands by growing the market for products and services that help customers to use less energy and emit less CO2. Work with governments and advocate the need for more effective CO2 regulation. Shell is now moving over to bio fuels, emphasizing more on the sustainability of the first generation bio fuels. It is an indication of the evolution of bio fuels which will help in reduction of CO2 gas in the near future. Green House Gas Emission: Shell is taking steps in inventing new technologies to improve energy efficiencies by reducing the green house gas emissions. It has been noted in the year 2009 that, the direct Green House gas emission from the facilities operated by the company were 67 million tonnes on a Carbon dioxide equivalent basis which is lower than in 2008 by 11%. Water: The World Health Organisation has stated that one out of three people doesnt get water to meet their needs. Shell uses advanced technologies to reduce the usage of fresh water though they cannot stop water usage for certain refining processes. Shells operations used around 198 million cubic meters of water in the year 2009 which is significantly lesser than the amount of water used in the previous year. The new technologies implemented by shell focuses on using recycled water instead of fresh water. Biodiversity: The company also operates in some areas which has the risk of harming the biodiversity. Shell considers protecting the ecosystem as an important factor and hence before starting any project, the company carries out analysis and tests that identify and measure the impact of the risk to biodiversity and develop strategies and procedures to minimize these risks. Ozone Depletion Substance: Halocarbons like Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) are released into the air which causes depletion in the ozone layer. In order to help in saving the environment, Shell has stopped the manufacturing of ozone depleting substances. Spills: In spite of having the procedures and systems to indicate and prevent oil spills, they do occur due to operational failure or accidents. Shell has spilled around 1,300 tonnes of oil last year which is recorded as the lowest till date. The company has suffered massive loss when a hurricane struck the Gulf of Mexico, fracturing all the pipelines. Source: (The Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report, 2009, P.36) Source: (The Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report, 2009, P.34) Economic: Shell is a group of energy and petrochemical companies that aims to meet the energy needs of the society which are environmentally, economically and socially feasible. The company generates substantial revenue for the government. $9.2 billion has been paid in corporate taxes in the year 2009. $80 billion in excise duties and sales tax has also been collected on behalf of government on the fuels and other products transported or sold. In 2009, the income of the company was $12.7 billion and returned $10.5 to its shareholders. The company also spent $1.1 billion on research and development. Their net capital investment of $28.9 billion would help their business to maintain sustainable in future. By December 2009, the production of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exceeded a total of 1 million barrels of oil. Shell came up with a new Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) unit in Singapore which proved to be a key milestone for Shell Eastern Petrochemicals Complex that will be in action by mid 2010. The unit will provide a supply of 750,000 tonnes of MEG per year to the Asian Market. Shell has also started with two LNG projects called Pearl GTL which is the worlds largest gas-to-liquid plant and Qatargas 4. Pearl GTL will deliver 140,000 barrels a day of clean diesel and kerosene and 120,000 barrels a day of natural gas. Qatargas 4 will help in converting 1.4 billion cubic feet of gas into Liquefied Natural Gas. The companys financial, operational and sustainable aspects have been evaluated by certain key indicators and a score card has been set up by the company depending up on those. It can be noticed from the score card that Shell has a better sustainable development performance in 2009 compared to the previous year. Source: (The Royal Dutch Shell Sustainability Report, 2009, P.9) Conclusion The social, economic and environmental dimensions of Royal Dutch Shell have been monitored by using the relevant indicators. By analysing the figures mentioned in the report, it can be noticed that there is a consistent improvement every year in most of the areas of the company. If the social dimension is considered, the company has given more priority to the health and safety of the workers. It can be noted from the social data that the lowest injury rate is recorded in 2009 and there has been a significant reduction in the injury rate every year. $132 million has been spent by Shell on social investment, especially for projects on community development. It can be suggested that, the company should conduct a periodic survey regarding the problems faced by their workers to make their operations more employee friendly and effective. All companies especially oil companies should give major attention in protecting the nature. Recent oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico by B.P has caused huge loss for the company and also destroyed the natural resources and aquatic life. Shell has implemented new technologies to protect the ecosystem by preventing the hazardous impacts caused by their operations. It can be seen from the environmental data mentioned in the report that the company has taken steps to improve the energy efficiency, and the green house gas emission is recorded to be reducing every year. They have limited the usage of fresh water for their operations and also technologies for using recycled water have been implemented. The company should focus on preventing oil spills even though the amount of oil spilled was recorded to be lowest in the year 2009. From the graphs, it can be figured out that there is no consistency in the steps taken to reduce oil spills as it went high in 2008 compared to the previous years and again came down in the year 2009. Shell should take measures to employ new technologies to stop spills and invest more on it. The economic indicators of the company indicate that shell has made and continues to make good profits for its share holders. There is a greater transparency in the payments made by the company to the government and they have generated ample revenue for the government. The company has also invested a good amount of money for maintaining a sustainable business development in future. A significant amount has been spent on research and development. The annual income of the company and its return to share holders indicates that the Shell is economically stable. By monitoring all the performances of the company it can be concluded that Royal Dutch Shell moves in the right track of sustainable development by giving equal importance to people, planet and profit dimensions.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Images and Imagery in Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Imagery consists of the use of symbols to convey an idea or to create a specific atmosphere. Shakespeare uses imagery in Macbeth often; pathetic fallacy, blood, tailoring and sleep are examples of this. His use of these tools in the play is to demonstrate the sadness of Scotland at what has been done, the guilt of the characters and to symbolises premonition of events. Pathetic fallacy is a tool of imagery that is used in Macbeth to convey nature's response to the unnatural events that occur. Most of the scenes in which some kind of ill-doing is taking place is set at night or in darkness of some kind. Macbeth's murder of Duncan happens at night, and it triggers a response of outrage and grief in the land. Nature's troubled actions show us this; as Lennox tells Macbeth just before Duncan is found dead, "The night has been unruly; where we lay, or chimneys were blown down ... lamentings head i' the air ... some say the ear was feverous and did shake." (II (iii) L59) Another good example of imagery used is blood. It is used to convey guilt, murder, betrayal, treachery and evil. Macbeth, directly after his murder of Duncan, is concerned about the blood on his hands , and states that no amount of water will wash the blood away, signifying the guilt in his heart. Lady Macbeth, however, states "A little water cleans us of this deed" (II (ii) L97). It is ironic that later on in the play Lady Macbeth sleepwalks and dry-washes her hands, ands says "What! Will these hands ne'er be clean?" (V (i) L38) -- guilt at what she has done surfaces in her sleep where none was felt before, and the reverse is true for Macbeth. The use of tailoring to convey the idea that something is not suited or not belonging to someone that has been acquired by them is used often in Macbeth. Macbeth himself uses the tailoring image in saying "The Thane of Cawdor lives: why do you dress me in borrow'd robes?" (I (ii) L109) when told by Ross that Duncan has given him the title Thane of Cawdor. This gives the impression that his newly acquired title does not fit him -- much like a garment belonging to another person. Angus states, "Now does he feel his title Hang loose about him, like a giant's robe

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Negative Impact of God on the Minds of David Hume, Christopher Smart, a

Negative Impact of God on the Minds of David Hume, Christopher Smart, and William Cowper David Hume was one of the most influential writers and philosophers of his time. Hume was the second son of Joseph Hume, laird of Ninewells, a small estate in Berwickshire. He was born and raised in Edinburgh, and studied law at Edinburgh University. He left the University without taking a degree with him, however. He spent the next three years living at his fathers, occupying his time primarily with reading and pondering ideas, later to be used in his works. In 1773 Hume traveled to France, making his way to La Fleche on the Loire. He attended Jesuit college while abroad, and was greatly stimulated by history. While in La Fleche, he began his renown A Treatise of Human Understanding. The first two volumes were published in 1739, and the concluding volume in 1740. His work was published anonymously, and subsequently attracted little attention. While in France, Hume became good friends with a number of well known men. Voltaire, Diderot, and d’Alembert were friends of his that had great influence on his writings and ideas. Several of his works include, The History of Great Britain, and Four Dissertations which contained The Natural History of Religion, Of the Passions, Of Tragedy, and Of the Standard of Taste (Stapleton 1757). Two Essays (1777) contained Of Suicide and Of the Immortality of the Soul. David Hume explores the issue of what exactly comprises the â€Å"self†. Hume states in his Treatise of Human Nature that ...when I enter most intimately into what I call myself, I always stumble on some particular perception or other, of heat or cold, light or shade, love or hatred, pain or pleasure. I never can catch my... ...Literature. Vol.1. Ed. Rossi, Patricia. Addison Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. New York: Copyright 1999. 2655-57. Hume, David. â€Å"A Treatise of Human Nature:The Mind as Theater†. Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol.1. Ed. Rossi, Patricia. Addison Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. New York: Copyright 1999. 2644-47. Hume, David. â€Å"An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: Of Miracles†. Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol.1. Ed. Rossi, Patricia. Addison Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. New York: Copyright 1999. 2647-50. Jenkins, John. Understanding Hume. Edinburgh University Press. Lanham, Maryland: Copyright 1992. Smart, Christopher. â€Å"Jubilante Agno†. Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol.1. Ed. Rossi, Patricia. Addison Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. New York: Copyright 1999. 2650-53

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Vegetarianism :: Healthy Lifestyle Essay

Vegetarianism is a good idea for anyone, whether young or old, healthy or sick. Reasons supporting vegetarianism are inarguable since becoming a vegetarian is scientifically proven to improve one’s lifestyle in several different ways. First and most importantly to many, vegetarianism improves one’s health tremendously. Secondly, it can improve or display one’s spirituality and beliefs. Another reason for changing to a vegetarian lifestyle that most people don’t know is for the ecology and our surroundings. All of the above reasons and many more show that vegetarianism is a wonderful enhancement to anyone’s overall life. Health should be a considerable priority in every individual’s life and vegetarians are proven to be healthier than carnivorous humans in various ways. First, medical studies show that a human being’s body was not made to be carnivorous (for example; humans have no fang s or claws) and because are digestive system was not made to digest meat, a vegetarian diet is much easier and healthier for our bodies. Secondly, as known around the world, the most common cause of death is heart attack and the average man is at a 50% risk while a vegetarian man is at a 4% risk. Another fact most don’t think about is that every one out of three chickens is infected with salmonella bacteria. Speaking of bacteria and disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture implies that it protects meat-eaters through regular and thorough meat inspection while in reality, fewer than one out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues. As a matter of fact, breast mi lk of a meat-eating mother versus a non meat-eating mother is 35 times higher for contamination of milk due to pesticides found in meat. Vegetarianism also prevents cancer by 50%, and prevents heart disease, lowering blood pressure, gallstones, kidney stones, osteoporosis and can even reverses diabetes. Finally, maintaining a vegetarian diet will not only make you physically healthier but will improve your psychiatric health also. In fact, many psychiatrists recommend a vegetarian diet to those with violent anger problems. As provided above, becoming a vegetarian would improve anyone’s health and give all nutrition needed including protein. Many vegetarians do what they do for spiritual reasons and all have much supporting logic behind all the spirituality. Others claim they are spiritual people who are compassionate but how can one who eats meat be so with the knowledge of the suffering animals whose pain are beyond calculation? Vegetarianism :: Healthy Lifestyle Essay Vegetarianism is a good idea for anyone, whether young or old, healthy or sick. Reasons supporting vegetarianism are inarguable since becoming a vegetarian is scientifically proven to improve one’s lifestyle in several different ways. First and most importantly to many, vegetarianism improves one’s health tremendously. Secondly, it can improve or display one’s spirituality and beliefs. Another reason for changing to a vegetarian lifestyle that most people don’t know is for the ecology and our surroundings. All of the above reasons and many more show that vegetarianism is a wonderful enhancement to anyone’s overall life. Health should be a considerable priority in every individual’s life and vegetarians are proven to be healthier than carnivorous humans in various ways. First, medical studies show that a human being’s body was not made to be carnivorous (for example; humans have no fang s or claws) and because are digestive system was not made to digest meat, a vegetarian diet is much easier and healthier for our bodies. Secondly, as known around the world, the most common cause of death is heart attack and the average man is at a 50% risk while a vegetarian man is at a 4% risk. Another fact most don’t think about is that every one out of three chickens is infected with salmonella bacteria. Speaking of bacteria and disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture implies that it protects meat-eaters through regular and thorough meat inspection while in reality, fewer than one out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues. As a matter of fact, breast mi lk of a meat-eating mother versus a non meat-eating mother is 35 times higher for contamination of milk due to pesticides found in meat. Vegetarianism also prevents cancer by 50%, and prevents heart disease, lowering blood pressure, gallstones, kidney stones, osteoporosis and can even reverses diabetes. Finally, maintaining a vegetarian diet will not only make you physically healthier but will improve your psychiatric health also. In fact, many psychiatrists recommend a vegetarian diet to those with violent anger problems. As provided above, becoming a vegetarian would improve anyone’s health and give all nutrition needed including protein. Many vegetarians do what they do for spiritual reasons and all have much supporting logic behind all the spirituality. Others claim they are spiritual people who are compassionate but how can one who eats meat be so with the knowledge of the suffering animals whose pain are beyond calculation?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Relation to the Socio-Political Essay

Comparison and Contrast of the General Tones of the Sumerian and Egyptian Hymns, in Relation to the Socio-Political and Geographic History of these Nations It is interesting to note that the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations both sprung up beside rivers: Egypt lies in the delta of the Nile while the Sumerian civilization was on the fertile Mesopotamia along the banks of Tigris and Euphrates. It is thus expected that both civilizations revere their river, and associate them with gods, because the rivers prove to be vital to their existence and a channel of life for them. These forces of nature are considered holy and addressed by prayers. Examples of such pleas can be found in both hymns â€Å"A Sumero-Akadian Prayer to Every God† and the â€Å"Hymn to the Nile. † In these prayers, however, we find very different attitudes of the early people towards their gods. In the Sumero-Akadian prayer we will read a tone of sorrow, grief and fear by a troubled soul over his offences with the gods. The introduction fearfully desire for peace with the divinity: â€Å"May the fury of my lords heart be quieted toward me. † Throughout the text we will also find out that the gods are not named, but is rather just sanctified as an existing being that may not be offended. This apparent fear of the divinity may be attributed to the structure of the Mesopotamian civilizations, where the land was divided into different city-states believed to be owned by a deity. The Sumerian state is therefore not a solid state, but is a conglomeration of small states. Consistent fear of invasion made them turn into the divine beings for protection and blessing. As a further note, in the Sumero-Akadian civilizations, the power of government is divided into two: the lugal took care of the military powers and the even more powerful ensi was the supreme religious leader who also controlled â€Å"economic and technological expertise† (Krejci and Krejcova, p. 31). It can therefore be seen that the fear of the gods was the way of the ensi to maintain political control over his dominions. Political and social structure in Egypt proved much different from the Sumerians. The whole of Egypt was controlled by only one ruler – the Pharaohs. This unity gave the Egyptians more control over their surroundings and their country. Early on, the Egyptians had a clear sense of identity (Kemp, p. 25). This control is best exemplified by their ability to time and control the flooding of the Nile. However, geographically, the Egyptians were not as lucky as the Sumerians, as they were surrounded by deserts. This made them consider the Nile as a gift from the gods, a means by which they would live. It is therefore not surprising that the â€Å"Hymn to the Nile† is a joyous song of praise. The overall theme of the hymn is perhaps best stated in the first lines: â€Å"Hail to thee, O Nile! Who manifests thyself over this land, and comes to give life to Egypt!† References Mircea Eliade `From Primitives to Zen`: A SUMERO-AKADIAN PRAYER Ancient History Sourcebook:Hymn to the Nile, c. 2100 BCE Jaroslav Krejci, Anna Krejcova (1990). Before the European Challenge: The Great Civilizations of Asia and the Middle East. SUNY Press. Barry J. Kemp (2006). Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization, 2nd Ed. Routledge

Monday, September 16, 2019

Enterprise Rent-a-Car Essay

SWOT With Enterprise, the customer always comes first. This is a major strength that the company has capitalized on in order to separate itself from the competition. Their â€Å"We’ll pick you up!† slogan is the primary focus of the company’s customer service aspect. After the customers, the focus is on employees. Good customer service comes from only the best employees and Enterprise wants all of their employees to be happy with their jobs. By offering a sense of ownership and incentives to advance within the company, Enterprise employees are often very satisfied with their positions. Enterprise is the largest car rental company with the largest fleet and the most rental locations. Because of this, they are easily accessible all over the country. Their main market focus is the home/city market segment and they are the industry leader in this segment with the most market share. In order to stay on top, Enterprise has kept up with technology and has formed many long-term alliances with insurance agents and car repair shops to produce referrals. Shifting to the weaknesses of the company finds Enterprise falling short in a couple of areas. Enterprise does not have the largest market share in the entire car rental industry. The company has established itself in the home/city market and has not entered the largest segment of the industry†Ã¢â‚¬ airport rentals. As a result, they have low awareness in the industry. Another drawback is the lack of a frequent customer program. Most major car rental companies have these repeat-buyer clubs as they attract repeat business and create more customer awareness. Within the company, Enterprise is also having problems recruiting good employees. Because awareness of the company is low and the image of working for a car rental company isn’t that glamorous, college graduates often overlook employment opportunities with Enterprise. The biggest foreseeable opportunity for the company to take advantage of is the airport market segment. This is the largest market segment of the car rental industry and it’s been left untouched by Enterprise. Next would be the under 25 yr. old segment. Rental car companies often leave out possible customers in this segment by either not renting to them or adding large fees  to the normal rental rates. Enterprise on the other hand, does rent to the under 25 segment and charges a small fee or no fee at all. The leisure rental market is another segment that Enterprise can expand into. This market is largely made up of people that want to rent more expensive cars (SUV’s and convertibles) for the weekend. Another opportunity for the company is to expand its system of alliances with businesses and schools/universities. More incentives can be offered to this segment in hopes of opening up more business opportunities. Enterprise will have to watch out for threats in the industry to keep its competitive position. One of the threats is the opportunity for other car rental companies to enter the home/city segment, which is the stronghold of Enterprise. In order to be competitive in the future, Enterprise must keep up with technological advancements such as Internet applications. Alternatives There are three broad alternatives that Enterprise can choose to implement if they want to meet their profit and growth expectations for the future. Enterprise could do nothing, target the vastly untapped 25 and younger market, or move into other segments of the overall rent-a-car market. These three alternatives could be used alone or in combination. One option for Enterprise is to do nothing. The next option for Enterprise is to target the vastly untapped 25 and younger market. This market is an exceptional opportunity for Enterprise because they are one of the only car rental companies that rents to drivers under the age of 25. To target this group takes commitment and creativity. First and foremost Enterprise needs to come up with more creative ads targeting this segment. Another angle for Enterprise would be to get its name onto college campuses across the country. They could do this by giving presentations at various Universities’ or having a creative national contest for college students. Finally to fully reach and keep the under 25 market, Enterprise must keep up with technology. This segment is the most computer savvy of all age groups and to fully target this market Enterprise must be  the industry leader in technological innovations. The Final option for Enterprise is to move into other segments of the overall rent-a-car market. Enterprise dominates the replacement rental segment of overall rent-a-car market. The replacement rental segment only accounts for twenty-seven percent of the total market. Therefore, there is a huge market consisting of the business and leisure/discretionary markets that enterprise has currently not entered. Criteria In implementing these alternatives there must be a way to measure the action to see if they are working. The advertising we propose is more of local nature than national. We believe that the National advertising campaign should still be done, but a local one should be done also to compliment the National campaign. The local campaigns should be in the form of newspaper ads and radio ads. The local branch should monitor and select the media. Then the revenue generated from the ad should be four times the cost to run the ad. Once this 4to1 ratio is not met, its time to change the ad or find another media. The Enterprise company culture is such that each individual branch is responsible for its sales and service. To stay in the parameters of this culture each branch should be responsible for its own advertising also. In measuring the college presentations and the creative contests, Enterprise should monitor the number of resumes that they receive. If the presentations and/or contests do not generate a sizable amount of resumes, then the programs must be reevaluated. Moving into the other segments of the overall rent-a-car market can be measured by profits. Once an airport branch becomes profitable, then Enterprise should start looking at other airports for expansion. In the leisure/discretionary market, track how many weekend rentals and luxury rentals that are being used by each branch. Evaluation of Alternatives 1. Marketing to the 25 yr. and younger segment Our first alternative is to develop a marketing campaign to the 25-year and younger market segment. Targeting this segment will benefit Enterprise by developing a significant growth in increased awareness not only locally, but  also nationally. Increased awareness for the local/city segment will greatly help their all ready prosperous market niche. The recruitment of high quality employees and building superior brand awareness will enable Enterprise to stand above its competitors. Targeting the 25-year and younger segment, Enterprise will develop a younger clientele and will have a wider range of employees to select from. This can be accomplished by setting up presentations at respected universities around the United States and promoting incentive contests with rewards. Other benefits will include increased profit potential and being a step ahead of its competitors with technology. Technological advancements in the Internet and World Wide Web could add convenience for customers with the creation of an on-line reservation system. On the other side of the spectrum, some risks could be associated with the targeting 25 and younger segment. These risks will be associated with larger costs in advertising, marketing, and recruitment. Time and energy will also be contributed since a long-term commitment is required. Also, consumers might question the security of on-line reservations. 2. Moving into new market segments Our second alternative is to move into and gain a share of new market segments. These new markets are the airport segment and the leisure/discretionary segment. The airport segment is the largest in the rental car market, due to the immense amounts of business corporations renting out cars for their representatives. Enterprise can distinctly take control of this market segment and more profits and revenues can be attained. With sharing or controlling this market segment, awareness will expand among these business travelers and discounts and incentives can be introduced to incorporate repeat business. For the leisure/discretionary segment, Enterprise can introduce more luxury vehicles that will appeal to the distinctive traveler. The benefits of moving into the new markets are considerable. Some negative issues can affect Enterprise by moving into new market segments. One is that it is very expensive. There could be numerous costs resulted by missed judged opportunities or mistakes rendered by managers at  these airport locations. Secondly, it is very risky trying to penetrate an all ready saturated market, such as the airport segment. Spending money, time, and energy into a new market segment where Enterprise does not have a firm hold can be financially costly and damaging to Enterprises image. Recommendation Our recommendation, as the Base One Consulting firm, to Enterprise Rent-A-Car, begins with a slow penetration of the business segment (airport rentals) of the car rental market. By entering this segment of the market, Enterprise can penetrate a market in which it formally had no presence in. Also, with the business segment being the largest segment of the car rental industry, there is huge profit potential. We would recommend starting the segment penetration with only the larger airports to limit the cost and risks associated with entering this new segment. Within two years enterprise should evaluate their progress in this segment. If it proves to be profitable, Enterprise should continue to expand into smaller airports across the country, and have a national presence, in the estimated 150 airports within five years. This will be necessary to maintain the present growth rate of 25% for the company since the home-city market is only growing at about 10 to 15% per year. However, to remain consistent with the companies â€Å"decentralized† operations, we feel that the business segment of the industry should be run and managed as a completely separate region, no matter where it is located. This will prevent the loss of focus on Enterprise’s primary market segment, the replacement market, with particular emphasis on neighborhood locations. The second part of our recommendation for Enterprise Rent-A-Car involves increasing advertising targeted towards the under 25-year-old market. Allowing time for budgeting and the creative process, the advertising campaign should be implemented immediately. This can prove to be very valuable because some other firms will not rent a vehicle to anyone under the age of 25. Similarly, a great opportunity to develop brand loyalty lies in this segment. By â€Å"getting a jump† on the other car rental companies in the mind of the consumer, Enterprise can put itself at a strategic advantage. Enterprise has already begun to do this somewhat, with a lower charge than other companies, for the under 25 years old rentals. However, we  recommend using a national advertising campaign to not only increase the awareness of renting to younger customers, but also to increase awareness of the company as a whole. This in turn, will help ease the difficulty of penetrating other segments. Furthermore, a localized campaign, managed by each region, should be implemented to increase awareness, catering to local trends and needs, once again, keeping consistent with the companies â€Å"decentralized† operations format. Included in this local advertisement campaign, an emphasis should be placed on the company itself and its job opportunities, highlighting to the younger audience the promotion from within process and profit-sharing opportunities. Another aspect of the local advertising campaign should focus on employee recruitment. We recommend some type of contest involving a cash reward to generate interest in becoming employed by the company. For example, we suggest implementing a contest rewarding the best creative taped interview or resume with a $10,000 cash reward and an employed position. This contest will generate interest and provide Enterprise with a database of potential employees. Ultimately it will broaden the pool from which Enterprise is able to choose its employees from. This is very important for the future of the company. Lastly, we recommend that Enterprise continue to keep up with, or ahead of, technology. This continues the emphasis on the younger audience and top-notch employees. Advanced tracking systems, such as the one Enterprise currently utilizes, and convenience are key factors in the future success of the company. Advancements in the area of the Internet and computers is crucial to the sustained growth of this company, especially in the travel segment of the market. Enterprise must consider the financial aspect of the recommendation by Base One Consulting. If approximately 15 airports location were opened and used to judge the profitability of this segment, and an estimated 125 cars at each location (based on Exhibit 1), with the cost averaging about $20,000 per vehicle, Enterprise would be looking at an initial investment of about $37.5 million. However, the company’s revenue is estimated at about $2.61 billion per year from the replacement market. The profit potential can only be estimated since airport rates very widely. Since the overall car rental  market generates an estimated $14.62 billion per year, and the business rentals account for about 40 percent of that figure, there is potential to penetrate an over $5.5 billion dollar market (Figures from Exhibit 2). In comparison, the costs to implement an aggressive advertising campaign, both nationally and locally, must be estimated from past advertising figures (Exhibit 2). Since Enterprise spent an estimated $22 million in advertising last year, and a more aggressive campaign will be implemented, we can estimate an advertising budget of about $55 million. This should cover all of the national and local advertisements. Although the advertising budget will more than double, it would only account for about 2.1% of the company’s budget. This is less than the industry average of 2.8% of revenue. Overall, by implementing the recommended strategy, Enterprise would be looking at expenditures of about $92 million. Although this is almost 40% of the company’s revenue for one year, many of the funds will come from long-term loans and other sources. Also, the revenues that will be realized by implementing the recommendation must be considered.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Communication children/young people and staff Essay

Children need positive in their life, so its always nice to greet a child with a smile. It is so good to ask them how they are. Children always have some news to share no matter how important it may be. It is very important to them to listen to what they would like to share with you. Children/Young People and even Older people always like to feel that they matter and that they are important. Many children are learning at different levels. Some can take in more information than others. It is important that you adapt to every child/young persons need. You as well as them have to understand what level each person is at so you can help them reach the best they can. It is always better to be positive. Body language and attitude is very important when speaking to a child/young person or member of staff. Speak clearly so all can understand you. Let the children/young people/parents and even staff know that they can come and talk to you. Remember to listen, be polite, friendly and make sure they feel that they are being listened too. All children and young people have to understand that there are rules to follow and they have to behave in the correct manner. Children and young people look up to older people so it is a positive idea for the staff to follow the rules as well. Communication is very necessary when speaking to your colleagues. This way it ensures consistency throughout the staffing team. If staff do not talk to one another situations can get out of hand and could lead to disagreements or even resentment between your colleagues. The best way of preventing this sort of situation is for everyone to know and understand what is happening so we can all work it out together.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

GFP protein

Green Florescent Protein, abbreviated as GFP, is a protein composed of 238 amino acids that is commonly found in mnemiopsis, comb Jelly. It has a major wavelength at 396 nm and a minor one at 475 nm. GFP is what gives mnemiopsis their bright green florescent glow. ultraviolet light, or blue light, is necessary to see the florescent glow of this protein. GFP is an irregular protein because It Is highly resistant to denaturation by temperature and PH. It can survive In temperatures up to 98 degrees and has a pH of 12. 2 due to Its complex exterior, called the beta barrel. At an pH higher than 12. It denatures. It also has an Isoelectric point at 5. 3. The peripheral beta barrel cannot be digested or broken apart by protease because of the strong bonds holding It together. The beta barrel protects the chromophore, which Is the substance which gives GFP Its green glow. When CFP Is extracted from the plasmid of an E. Coll or from a Jellyfish, It contains an array different contaminants ma king it difficult for scientist to do experiments with GFP. A procedure in purifying GFP from a crude cell extract to nearly 100% GFP so that it can be analyzed and used in scientific experiments and research is necessary.The goal is to ptimize each protocol used to purify crude GFP. Methods Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation To purify the crude samples of GFP, the ion exchange method separates substances inside the test tube by similar charge. A sample of crude GFP of 7. 5 mL in a plastic tube was used for the experiment. Knowing that 43. 6 grams of ammonium sulfate in a 100 mL solution yields a 70% percent saturated solution, the proportion 43. 6g 11 00 mL=x/7. 5 mL was used to determine that 3. 27 grams of ammonium sulfate needs to be added to the experimental sample. After adding the ammonium sulfate, the solution was stirred gently to prevent frothing.Once most of the solution is transferred, the tube was placed on a triple beam balance along with another tube that went through the same process. The centrifuge was set at 15,000 rpms for 15 minutes so that the hydrophobic materials will separate and become the supernatant while the GFP pellet will remain behind. Once the 15 minutes elapsed, a new pipette was used to remove the supernatant, leaving behind the pellet of GFP and hydrophilic contaminates. To remove the hydrophilic substances, 5 mL of 4 molar ammonium sulfate and 15 mL of 10 mL tris at a p of 8 was added Into the oak ridge entrifuge test tube.The solution Is then put Into the centrifuge at 15,000 rpm for 15 minutes again. Once 15 minutes has passed, the supernatant, containing the GFP, was removed by a pipette and put In a microfuge. Hydrophobic Interaction Hgure yaropnoDlc Interactlon set up One molar ammonium sulfate was added to the column to wash the sample. Adding 1 molar ammonium sulfate washes the sample because a high salt concentration increases hydrophobicity of the GFP and the buffer, causing most of the GFP to be at the very top of the column. Substances that are hydrophilic get flushed out of the olumn while the more hydrophobic substances stay in the container.After the column has been eluted with 1 molar ammonium sulfate, the tris buffer is added to the ammonium sulfate to dilute it into . 5 molar ammonium sulfate. The volume of 1 molar ammonium sulfate inside the oak ridge centrifuge test tube is the volume of the tris buffer that will be added. After the column chromatography has been flushed with . 5 molar ammonium sulfate, more hydrophobic substances will be flushed out since the hydrophobicity of the tris buffer and the GFP has decreased. This causes the GFP to spread out in the column. Finally the amount of . 5 molar ammonium sulfate is diluted with tris buffer to . 5 molar ammonium which should cause most of the GFP to be flushed out of the column along with other substances that are very hydrophobic. While this experiment is going on the liquid that comes out of the column is collected in multiple test tubes. These test tubes contain GFP and other contaminants. The solutions are than read by a spectrophotometer. Each test tube will be tested by the spectrophotometer so that a graph can be made. Anion Exchange Figure 2: Siphon Bridge set up for Anion Exchange Figure 3: Centricon Test Tube In order to use anion exchange, the starting condition of the sample needs to be in a low salt solution.However after the GFP had gone through hydrophobic interaction, it was in a high salt solution. Before facing this dilemma, the fractions were pooled by centricon which decreases the overall sample volume by removing some buffer and salt solution. This greatly increases the GFP concentration in the samples. The fractions are placed in the centricon and then into a centrifuge for 25 minutes at 3,000 rpm to be separated by size. The large proteins stay in the entricon while buffer and salt solution goes into the plunger. To reduce the concentration of salt in the GFP sample, the sample is diluted 10 folds.Since the amount of GFP that was restored was 18 mL, 162 mL of tris buffer needed to be added. The diluted GFP is then put in the chromatography container, containing positively charged DEAE which is attracted to the GFP at a low salt concentration. After the GFP has been completely filled, the column is connected to a beaker that contains a low salt concentration. the low salt concentration beaker is connected to a high salt concentration beaker. As one drop of low salt solution goes into the chromatography column, one drop of high salt solution goes into the low salt solution.Gradually the salt concentration increases in the low salt beaker and in the column chromatography, causing GFP to spread down the container. The eluted GFP dripped out of the column chromatography to be collected in test tubes. I nree pnase partltlonlng Figure 4: Precipitate of GFP. T-butanol is one top while contaminates are on bottom GFP then went through three-phase partitioning, also known as TT P. The fractions taken after an anion exchange was 15 millilieter. Ten ml of 4 M ammonium sulfate was added to this volume to increase the salt concentration of the solution to 1. M, which is about 40% salt saturation. Twenty-five milliliters of t-butanol was added then added which was the same amount of ammonium sulfate and GFP in the container. The container was then placed in the centrifuge for ten minutes at 4600 RPM, causing the mixture to split into three layers; butanol on top, GFP in solution on the bottom, and precipitated contaminants in-between. The top layer of butanol and disk of precipitate were taken out. The volume of GFP solution was again matched in utanol and the container went into the centrifuge again. An aspirator was used to extract the GFP into a microfuge. . 6M ammonium sulfate was then added to the microfuge and the container was placed in a micro centrifuge for one minute at 13,000 RPM. Butanol and other contaminants that had not been take out previously f ormed a disc, was then taken out with an aspirator and the remaining GFP was then left in the microfuge. HPLC Figure 5: HPLC basic layout After the sample went through three phase partitioning, it was put through the High Performance Liquid Chromatography for a final purification. First liquid was put into the HPLC to clean out any previous GFP inside the loop of the HPLC and the column of the HPLC.Then, GFP in the microfuge was sucked into an injector to be put into the HPLC. Pushing the top of the injector slowly, GFP entered into a loop inside the HPLC. Once the GFP was placed in the loop, a knob was turned clockwise to the word lock. The GFP was then sent to the column where it was purified further by size through the minuscule beads. About 6,000 pounds of pressure per square inch was produced by the HPLC to push the GFP through the beads. While this was occurring, a pectrophotometer connected to the HPLC read the wavelengths of substances.Near the 396 nm wavelength, GFP was col lected in a microfuge tube. A UV light was held near tne exlt 0T Results e HPLC to measure tne amount ng sample. Graph 1: Results of the sample after HIC at a wavelength of 395 nm Graph 2: Results of the sample after HIC at a wavelength of 280 nm Graph 3: Results of the sample after HIC of the entire spectrum Seventeen test tubes were received after the HIC purification process. A blank consisting of tris buffer and ammonium sulfate was sampled in the spectrophotometer against liquid from each of the seventeen test tubes.Graph one represents the sample after HIC at a wavelength of 395 nm while graph two Results shows the results after HIC at a wavelength of 280 nm. After HIC, the fractions 12 to 16 were chosen for their purity and recovery of GFP. Graph one show the amount of GFP in each fraction number while graph two shows the total amount of protein in each fraction number. Graph three shows the spectrum of the entire sample. Graph 4: Results after Anion Exchange at a 397 nm wave length Graph 5: Results after Anion Exchange at a 280 nm wavelength Graphing 6 Thirteen test tubes were collected from the Anion Exchange purification process.This time the samples were blanked against tris buffer at 8. 0 pH and 0. 5 molar sodium chloride. Graph four shows results of the Anion Exchange at a 397 nm wavelength and graph five shows the results after Anion Exchange at a 280 nm wavelength. Once again, the graph at a 297 nm wavelength shows the amount of GFP while the graph at a 280 nm wavelength shows the amount of total protein. Graph six represents the results of the entire spectrum. The GFP peak was a lot more visible. Step Iotal sample (mL Abs (280) Total Protein Abs (397) GFP Ratio Crude sample 120 1600 . 25 At-ns042- 20 1 . 61 . 9 118 HIC 18 . 28 . 173 . 618 15 . 126 . 130 1. 03 3 Phase Partitioning . 01 n/a . 75 . 243 . 257 1. 06 Table 1: This is the overall data table. The second column shows the total volume at the start of each purification step. The following two columns are the peaks of the graphs at those wavelengths. The last column represents the ratio of GFP to the total Protein. The most desirable ratio is 1. 25. Dlscusslon The first method in purifying the crude GFP was using the ammonium sulfate precipitate. When ammonium sulfate is placed in water, it dissociates into ammonium (NH4+) and sulfate ions (S042-).Water, composed of two hydrogen ions and one oxygen ion, is a polar molecule because the oxygen has a high electronegativity. Oxygen has a greater affinity making the oxygen portion of water negative and the hydrogen portion of the water positive. The dissociated positively charged ammonium ion is allured to the negatively charged oxygen while the negatively charged sulfate ions are attracted to the dissociated positively charged hydrogen. The attraction between the ammonium sulfate and the water was so strong that the GFP and other proteins were left unoccupied, causing them to precipitate.When GFP in the 70% salt solution was placed into the centrifuge, substances such as DNA and RNA was removed because they became part of the supernatant. At a 70% salt concentration, only hydrophilic substances stay in solution while the more hydrophobic substances precipitate. When the GFP in a 25% solution of salt was placed in the centrifuge, the GFP and other substances went back into solution because there not enough water was occupied by the salt. Before the GFP is placed in the centrifuge, it must be balanced with another centrifuge with the same weight and the two containers must be placed across from one another.This is vital because the centrifuge needs to be balanced when it is rotating at an incredibly fast speed. Failure to have balanced centrifuge containers can result in a broken centrifuge and loud sounds. Also when mixing the GFP with salt, it is important not the shake the container or frothing will occur, making it difficult to transfer the solution in to an oak ridge centrifuge tube. The second p urification procedure that GFP underwent was hydrophobic interactions. During this purification, GFP binded to the non-polar Phenyl Sepharose beads because of its non-polar and hydrophobic traits.However the water in tris buffer is strong enough to separate the attraction between GFP and the Phenyl Sepharose. Therefore a high salt concentration is necessary to occupy the water so that the GFP and the Phenyl Sepharose to be attracted together. At a high salt concentration, GFP with bind easily to the Phenyl Sepharose since very little water molecules would interfere with the attraction and at a low salt concentration, GFP would not bind easily to the Phenyl Sepharose because tnere wlll De a lot 0T unoccuplea water molecules tnat wlll De aDle to InterTere wltn the GFP and Phenyl Sepharose attraction.Before the experiment, ten millimolar tris buffer at a pH of 8 was used to clean the column in order to keep the pH stable and to wash away the salt, ammonium sulfate, in the column. Remov ing the salt is vital because the buffer that once surrounds the salt will be allured to the hydrophobic benzene and to the hydrophobic patches on the GFP. Since the hydrophobic patches of the GFP are already filled, they will be flushed out, leaving mostly beads of benzene and the 10 millimolar tris buffer at a pH of 8. Once the column has been clean, it needs to be equilibrated so that the salt concentration is the same through the olumn.The step gradient used, started ata 1 molar ammonium sulfate concentration and was halved until a . 25 molar concentration to separate substances by hydrophobicity. The third purification procedure was anion exchange. In this procedure, GFP and other contaminants are separated by charge. The beads in the containers are different from the beads from the hydrophobic interaction because on they have a different chemical called DEAE which makes them positively charged. GFP has both protons and electrons on it which is why it was not easily attracted t o the DEAE, which is why the GFP is put in a basic solution.Ata high pH, the amount of negatively charged hydroxide increases and these hydroxides are allured by the protons on the GFP. The protons are than neutralized, making GFP a negatively charged molecule. The isoelectric point of GFP is at a pH of 5. 3. Ata pH higher than 5. 3, it is negatively charged and when it is at a pH lower than 5. 3, it is positively charged. Once the column chromatography is filled with GFP and connected to a beaker of low salt which connected to a beaker of high salt, anion exchange occurs. As the salt concentration increases, the GFP slowly spreads down the column and eventually out f the column into test tubes.Between the HIC and the Ion exchange chromatography, the sample the fractions were pooled and put in a centricon causing the GFP concentration in the samples to increase. This occurred because the ultrafilter only allowed particles smaller than protein to go in to the pusher. The large protei ns stay in the centricon while buffer and salt solution goes into the plunger. The sample of GFP was also diluted 10 folds because the sample needs to be in a low salt solution to use anion exchange and after the GFP had gone through hydrophobic interaction, it was in a high salt solution.The anion exchange method creates a continuous salt gradient because as one drop of low salt solution goes into the column chromatography, causing GFP to spread down the container. The follow procedure was the three phase partitioning purification. T-butanol and 1. 6 molar ammonium sulfate were essential for this procedure. T-butanol has a low density causing in to stay above the GFP solution. In addition it has an attraction for water and other hydrophobic substances causing 5 mL of water to be drawn out of the GFP sample and precipitated substances to float between the t-butanol and the GFP sample.Fresh t-butanol is necessary after removing the old t-butanol with the contaminants because at that point, the salt concentration had increased since water was drawn out. was aDle to De preclpltatea Decause 0T tne nlgn salt concentration. The final procedure for purifying GFP was using the HPLC which separated substances by size. The beads used in the HPLC column are miniscule and porous. The pours on the beads give substances of the same size more opportunities to leave the HPLC at the same time. Since the beads are so small, high pressure is needed to push the GFP sample through the beads.Naturally, smaller substances will exit the HPLC first while larger materials will exist last. In all scientific experiments room for error is unavoidable. During the HIC, IEX, three phase partitioning, and the HPLC, amounts of GFP were lost due to the GFP sticking to a container, a pipette, and even spills. During the HIC some of the GFP was lost due the overflowing the test tubes with liquid exiting the column. During the HPLC some GFP was lost because not all GFP dripping out of the HPLC wen t in to the microphage. Other errors include letting the column dry because the liquid was not dded to the beaker about the column.During the spectrophotometer runs, the blank was no inserted correctly causing the reading of the GFP to be incorrect. In addition, the order in which the GFP samples were suppose to be placed in the spectrophotometer was messed up. Judging from the overall purification table, table 1, the purification was quite successful. Originally, the ratio was only . 25, but by the end of all the purification procedures, it obtained a ratio 1. 06. A 1. 25 ratio is most desirable and through the purification, the ratio was nearly reached. The anion exchange, three phase artitioning, and the HPLC purification were the most impacting procedures.The anion exchange greatly increased the purity of the crude sample compared to the HIC purification. The three phase partitioning and HPLC purified the GFP even more. Some improvements to the protocols would be to start with t he anion exchange purification so that overall, the salt solution would go from a low salt concentration to a higher salt concentration. This also eliminates the need to dilute the solution. In addition, an automatic machine could be used to shift the test tubes that collect the iquid exiting the columns to prevent overflowing test tubes and the risk losing GFP.GFP is unique because of its florescent glow. This glow can be used as a marker or an indicator. If a glowing marker could be placed on infectious cells such as tumor cells or cancerous cells, it would revolutionize the treatment of these diseases because doctors will be able to track where the harmful cells are. In addition, if it is possible to trigger the florescence of GFP with UV light, it can eventually be used in light bulbs to produce light. GFP light bulbs would last for an incredibly long time ince they are very resistant to denaturing.In addition, in vehicles, GFP can be mixed in the motor oil, transmission oil, po wer steering oil, air conditioning oil, and other oils so that if a leak occurs in a car, it can easily be spotted by shinning UV light on the car. The purification of GFP can lead to endless new innovations in electrical engineering, automotive repair, and curing deadly diseases.